Tag Archives: training

Quick Catchup – via Caroline

We have been a little quiet over the last two weeks as doing these long runs has wiped us all sideways plus organising the Quiz night. But that is now behind us (can’t believe it!) Another post obout our quiz night is coming soon 😀

Saturday 7th March 18miles along the Forest Way with Neia

I was very apprehensive doing this distance as an old foot injury has decided to surface which makes the area of the ball of my foot go numb! Rubbed in Deep Heat and strapped it up and off we went. The stunning Sussex countryside was a welcome distraction but 15miles in and I was feeling the burn! Ploughed on and we were elated to see what our time and pace was – we ran most of the distance not looking at our watches but listening to our bodies!
Photo 1 18mile time Garmin

Tuesday 10th March – The Script, Brighton

Although training has taken up a lot of our time both on the road and off, we still find time to indulge in guilty pleasures. Oh ‘Danny Boy’ was a welcome break for Karen Wells, Neia Abbott and myself. And without an alcoholic beverage in our hands we still managed to have a good time!


Photo 2 The Script 2 Photo 3 The Script 2015

Sunday 15th March – Mother’s Day Kingston 20 miler


Are we nuts or what spending Mothering Sunday pounding the pavements of Kingston! Needs must and all part of the training plan. A very chilly start to the day getting up at 5am to be on the road by six. Arrived with plenty of time to do all the necessary toilet stops, bag drop and checking and rechecking that we had enough gels, water, plasters, tissues, hats, gloves…… the list is endless when running in the cold. Nervous energy was kicking in and before we knew it, that starter gun went off and 20 miles lay ahead of us. We all used our training to the best – starting off slow and sticking with the 10 mile pace maker. He gave us tips and advice along the away when it would be beneficial to make a break to gain time or to stay as we were. I just want to say that The Magnificent 7 did themselves proud as most of us finished within 2 minutes of each other, a testament that we are working hard together as a team and our training is paying off!
Next race … Paddock Wood 1/2 Sunday 29th March
Photo 4 Kingston 20 miler 15th March 2015

Caroline  xx

Training Update – Nicky and Ian

Last Saturday was our most exhilarating and rewarding run to date for Ian and I. We planned a long run and Ian finished up on 16 miles and I finished up on 18 miles. After waking at 5.50am, it was time to fuel up on porridge and a jam sandwich before venturing out to a very wet and quite a dark morning. Both of us left our houses at 6.50am in order to meet for a 7am start.

After various puddles, and wind swept sections of the Forest Way, we completed our mission!!!

We even managed to get a glimpse of Karen, Caroline and Neia as we were returning and they were starting their long run, so fantastic effort on everyone’s part for venturing out on such a wet and miserable morning 🙂

Nicky x

Neia’s News

Thank you so much for all your donations so far, your support means a lot to me and needless to say to my chosen charity ….St Catherine’s Hospice (Crawley).

We are now on the 8 weeks to go count down. Today in freezing cold rain and wind, myself and my friends (fellow runners) Caroline Hamilton and Karen Wells went out and ran 16 Miles. As you can imagine running such distance isn’t an easy thing to do especially when the weather was like it has been today.

We must continue to train if we want to complete the 26.2 miles on the 26/04/15. I’m sure I’m safe in saying that the best part of today was actually hearing our watches beeping on 16 miles !!!! We’ve done it!!! Hooray!!!

Next weekend we will run 18 miles and the weekend after 20 miles. Off course I’m only mentioning here the long runs but one must not forget the mid week Tempo and Speed training runs necessary to do in order to build up stamina and to improve times.

Here again is my just giving page, and again your support is much appreciated. Please feel free to pass on this link to others who may wish to donate and support this worthwhile charity!!!!!!

Neia x


There’s SNOW stopping us

Whilst out Saturday morning during a lovely 15 mile Narnia type run along the Worth Way, I was very impressed when I bumped into 2 Magnificent 7 Team Members Caroline and Karen. It just goes to show that wind, rain and even SNOW will not stop us. It was such a lovely morning despite the heavy snowfall in such a short period of time, and the sun even came out for the end of my run 🙂

Although my time was slightly slower this week, my main aim was to stay on my feet especially at the Crawley Down section which was rather slippy, and the obvious time delay for a quick comfort break at the public toilets in East Grinstead – They are a life saver!!!
I am very impressed to read that Neia was also out in this winter wonderland and all on her own, so a pat on the back for dedication and a super time.

Keep up the good training everyone.

Nicky x

Neia’s Snowy Run – Dedication!

At around 7:45 on Saturday morning I looked out the window ready to run and I could not believe my eyes when seeing the amount of snow coming down (I wish I’d taken pictures) at around the same time I got a text from Caroline ‘I’m not running in this, can’t put myself through getting an injury or a cold’.

My reply was I’m not getting out in this weather either.

Anyway Tim and I had agreed to drive to Cornwall to pick up Katie and we planned on living our house around 12:00 on Sat and not back till tonight Sunday. So I had to make the decision to run or not and I decided to go for it ….

Reluctantly I set off at 8:40am on my own, being careful not to slip, I ran through snow, freezing cold rain, freezing cold puddles and getting my trainers and socks soaking wet, oh and nevermind the mud!

Anyway I managed 14.2 miles in 2:16 minutes. All I could think to keep me going was that I could share this experience with my friends and fellow runners.

Also this means that my predicted Marathon time is 4:27 minutes!!! I will be estastic if that happens.

Neia Xx


Tunbridge Wells – Half Marathon! Well Done Ian

“Today, Sunday 22nd February, was another milestone towards making the London Marathon happen for St Catherine’s Hospice.  I ran the Tunbridge Wells half marathon today to further my fitness and I knew that it would be a test of how well my training is going. My best half marathon time to date is 2 hours 16 mins.

I was full of excitement and trepidations as I lined up at the Start – I could clearly see Dame Kelly Holmes starting the race. It added a huge amount of weight to this event, coupled with a band of drummers playing
very loudly and lots of spectators to add further razzmatazz!!!

I ran with the 2;10 pace makers until the mile 10 mark, where I then dug in deep and to my amazement started to almost sprint towards the finish

– awesome time of 2hours 6 mins 58 seconds!! APB

We, The Magnificent 7 are all running lots of miles every week now and are covering somewhere in the order of 20-25 miles a week to make sure that we don’t forfeit on our challenge. We are all very committed to
making sure we finish but we still need your help with the fund raising – please donatedanything you can – it all helps our chosen charity SCHC

Thank you, Ian Watkins, 1/7th of The Magnificent 7 ”
Ian TWHM resultIan TWHM

Caroline’s Training – hmmmm and rewards.

Despite  the moans and groans about this week’s training (see more here) it is not all bad – especially when Caroline has the energy to go back in the kitchen.
She says
Yech! Who had to run yesterday (Monday) in that freezing rain? Did speed training with Neia up and down the Forest Way in the growing dark. Trying to ‘hammer’ it down the track whilst my mind was pleading with my legs to stop, was not my idea of fun…………
But on the upside, I feel no guilt tucking into a stack of Mini Marshmellow and Chocolate Chip Pancakes! Yum! Yum!
Caroline x

Training Update!

Spotted! Ian and Nicky entering the King’s Centre for  a swim AFTER they had already completed a run yesterday.

They are planning a run on Thursday from Imberhorne in the evening too!

Caroline and Neia had a 7 mile speed run yesterday too. Apparently It was blo…. hard and they got absolutely soaking wet and freezing cold, BUT when it was all finished they felt fantastic!!!!

Their next plan is a 15 mile run on Saturday….

Karen – Hurrah – is beginning to feel much more herself and is picking up the pace!!! Watch out!


Ian and Nicky’s Sunday Training.

Ian says:

“Nicky, Ian Bates and myself  (2 of the Magnificent) at the end of a 14. mile run which we managed at 9:50 min/mile in just under 2 Hour 20 mins and without stopping, throwing up or collapsing at the end of our run.

We are training for our epic challenge that is gathering momentum every day and we are all starting to feel the strain !!

The thought of 26 miles is to say the least scary!! But we will get there”


photo 2

Please, Please keep your donations coming in for the St Catherine Hospice fund and for those that have sent us money already;- thank you.